Orange Theory Review

Ok, so after having two children, I decided to get back into shape at the end of last year after I pigged out during Thanksgiving weekend. I had a history of high cholesterol, and currently have diastasis recti from having 9+ lbs babies in my 5’1″ frame. My fitness journey will be captured in a different blog because I have yet reached my goal and I would like to reach it or at least be satisfied with it before I write about it.

I do, however, want to write about a form of exercise that I recently decided to try – Orange Theory. What is it? It’s a 1 hour full body workout routine which targets strengthening, and increasing your endurance. I mean let’s get real, if you’re gonna work out for an hour, you better get stronger and your endurance should definitely increase.  You gotta put in what you want to get out though, so if you ever go, push yourself!

In the facility that I go to, they have 3 sections – treadmill, rowers, and the floor (with weights and steps). They claim that each workout is different from ones that you’ve already done. I have done two full sessions and so far, they have been different from each other. Even the workout on the treadmill varied, and the exercises on the floor varied from one session to the next.

Trainer – yes, there is a trainer that keeps his/her eye on the class. They are responsible for making sure you’re doing the exercises correctly and for pushing you if you need to be pushed and shouting out encouragements. I’m not sure what type of person you are, but I like to be pushed when it comes to working out. Not gonna lie, when the trainer yelled out my name and said “push it Maria!” I cranked up that treadmill pace! When the class is full there’s like 20+ people, so it’s not one on one training. I’m ok with that though because sometimes it’s awkward to have someone watch you all the time. Homegirl needs her space sometimes okkkkaayyy?

How is this different from other workouts I’ve tried?

Well, they give you the option of purchasing a heart rate monitor that then shows your progress (heart rate, calories burned, minutes you’re in aerobic exercise) on a screen in the gym. If you’re competitive, you can see others and their progress as well so you can push yourself if need be.


At the end of the workout, they also email you your results which is cool to have just so you can kind of compare from your past sessions. (Side note: I also wore my iWatch at the same time and the heart rate and calories burned were way different.  I know my watch isn’t as accurate though because I’ve taken my heart rate in the middle of a workout and they don’t match up at times. So if i’m keeping count of my calories, I would just average out the two.)

It’s also kind of a combination of an exercise class and having a trainer. In a class, it’s mostly you just following the teacher, and a trainer is a one on one type of thing. If you don’t like either because it’s not enough attention or it’s too much attention, then this may be your thing.

Lastly, supposedly you will never do the same workout ever. I’m not really sure if that’s the case, but I guess there are many different types of exercises and ways to do them so maybe that’s not so hard to achieve.

Final Thoughts

I like it enough for me to sign up for it. I definitely got a good workout. I was very sore after the first try. I guess I’ll see if I’m as sore tomorrow after today’s workout. I would agree that it is pretty full body, as well as for endurance (I was on that treadmill today for 30 minutes!) So yes, it’s a good workout.

It’s definitely not cheap though. But after working out at home for 3 months, I needed a change and at least having this breaks up my workout routine so I’m not doing the same 3-4 videos at home. You do get a discount if you work at certain places but it’s still more expensive than going to a gym. You can get offered a month to month basis membership and the price is the same for when you make a commitment for 6 months or more. So ask for that month to month so you’re not locked in just in case you decide you don’t like it.

Finally, I’m a big proponent of keeping yourself moving. I work at a desk all day, so it’s important for me to move move move! (Sidenote: my daughter, Ella, who is 4, started singing “I like to move it move it” yesterday without prompting. I don’t think I have ever sang that to her though… I mean… I wouldn’t be surprised if I did subconsciously… well, anyway, I thought that was funny.) Aaannnnddd on that note, I definitely think trying out Orange Theory is worth a shot. Since the first class is free, what do you gotta to lose?

Thanks for reading and have a great rest of the day!